Категорија: hombu
Daito ryu
Taiyou e no Michi is a non-commercial organization that is dedicated to the teachings of the traditional Japanese martial arts. It is founded in 1995, by Igor Dovezenski, the only Macedonian that carries several titles in different classical martial schools (ryu-ha). Since the founding, the organization is working uninterrupted and has training sessions for its members every day.
The same year (2nd July, 1995), the first Ninjutsu dojo in the country – „Bujinkan Macedonia“ was opened within the organization. For now, that is the only acknowledged dojo* in our state by the chief of Bujinkan, soke Masaaki Hatsumi.
„Bujinkan Macedonia“ even today is considered as one of the most dynamic clubs in Europe, with numerous and active memberships, that speak for the quality of knowledge that is gained in the dojo.
In 2010, or fifteen years after the opening of „Bujinkan Macedonia“, „Daito ryu Macedonia – Koryu Dojo“ starts working within Taiyou e no Michi. Two Japanese martial schools are taught there: Daito ryu Aikijujutsu and Ono ha Itto ryu Kenjutsu (Takeda-den). This dojo is an equal member of the European Daito Organization (European Daito Kai), under the leadership of the only non-Japanese shihan for Daito ryu Aikibudo, Antonino Certa.
At the beginning of 2013, Igor Dovezenski becomes a student of shidosha Erik Louw, and several months later gives a blood oath (keppan) in front of the shihan of Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto ryu Bujutsu, Nobutoshi Otake. The same year, in September, with permission and under the guidance of shidosha Louw, „Katori Shinto ryu Macedonia“ starts working, the third dojo in Taiyou e no Michi.
Igor Dovezenski is the first the only Macedonian from the Republic of Macedonia for now that traveled to Japan with the purpose to train and study the traditional Japanese martial arts. During the stay, he had the opportunity to study directly from the founder of the Bujinkan Dojo – Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi, as well as from the legendary heir of Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto ryu Bujutsu – shihan Risuke Otake. In addition, Dovezenski is the only Macedonian that trained Daito ryu Aikijujutsu in Japan, along with other classical martial arts that originate from the Land of The Rising Sun.
Without any intent for expansion or personal glory, followed purely by love for traditional Japanese martial arts, Igor Dovezenski creates the only organization in Macedonia where the most famous Japanese classical samurai and ninja styles of combat can be practiced.
The organization dedicated to the study of traditional Japanese martial arts Taiyou e no Michi, from the beginning until today, organized more than three hundred national and around thirty international seminars with participation of the most well-known world master for koryu. Besides the participation in several most respected intercontinental organizations, Taiyou e no Michi is open for collaboration and exchange of knowledge with all enthusiasts that share the common interest from the area of Japanese classical arts.
*dojo (道場) – a place for perfecting the Path
Организацијата за
изучување на
традиционалните јапонски боречки вештини Пат кон Сонцето, во 2012 година го изгради првото традиционално јапонско доџо во Македонија, но и на Балканот.
Хомбу* Доџо-то е изградено во чиста еколошка средина, со сопствени средства, без никакви донации. За да го оствари својот сон, инструкторот Игор Довезенски купи земја во долината под планината Липац, на 62 километри одалеченост од Скопје и со помош на своето семејство, цигла по цигла, по сопствен нацрт и со сопствени раце, го изгради доџо-то
од темел.
При изградбата, употребени се материјали кои ги исполнуваат највисоките еколошки стандарди. Доџо-то се состои од 100 м2 површина за вежбање во приземјето (со татами) и 100
м2 за престој на првиот кат.
Во Хомбу Доџо-то, организацијата Пат кон Сонцето одржува редовни тренинзи за време на викендите, а во август во него се одржува надалеку познатиот Летен Нинџа Камп.
* Хомбу = седиште, стожер, главно